Monday, May 9, 2011

talking to Trenton

WEll, it appears that there will be some form of tenure change. Many of the politicians who say they "serve" us have said it's a wrap. It is certain. When we tried to inform them that tenure just gives a teacher due process, the response was -it's time for a change. Tenure protects teachers from nepotism and anger firings due to personality clashes and petty administrators. Many businesses put their new people on probation for 30-60-90 days. Teachers are on probation and unprotected for 3 years. How many of us have seen a new teacher fired because someone in the district needed a job, or because the administrator got haughty? It's a shame.

Whatever the agenda is, public workers, especially teachers, seem to be the target. To all our detractors, if the shoe were on the other foot, you'd be singing a different tune. Someone needs to tell the politicians that public workers pay their salaries.

The msnbc news show reported that the Republicans are targeting unions because they are large supporters of the Democratic party. The Dems support public schools. Their (the Republican Party) premise is that if the Democratic Party doesn't get financial support from the unions, the Dems won't have a chance. This plan came about when they (The Republican Party) lost the house, the senate, and the presidency. Well, chances go around. That happens on each side of the aisle. The attempt to create a one party system should be stopped at it's core. Educated people don't vote according to party like cheerleaders in a high school, they vote according to the character of the people and their platform. The political party should not be the only factor.

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