Friday, August 19, 2011

And our bargaining....and pension....???

4 41. (New section) a. Notwithstanding the provisions of any
5 other law to the contrary, public employees, as specified herein, of a
6 local board of education shall contribute, through the withholding
7 of the contribution from the pay, salary, or other compensation,
8 toward the cost of health care benefits coverage for the employee
9 and any dependent provided pursuant to P.L.1979, c.391
10 (C.18A:16-12 et seq.), unless the provisions of subsection b. of this
11 section apply, in an amount that shall be determined in accordance
12 with section 39 of P.L. , c. (C. ) (pending before the
13 Legislature as this bill), except that, employees employed on the
14 date on which the contribution commences, as specified in
15 subsection c. of this section, shall pay:
16 during the first year in which the contribution is effective, one17
fourth of the amount of contribution;
18 during the second year in which the contribution is effective,
19 one-half of the amount of contribution; and
20 during the third year in which the contribution is effective, three21
fourths of the amount of contribution,
22 as that amount is calculated in accordance with section 39 of
23 P.L. , c. (C. ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill).
24 The amount payable by any employee under this subsection shall
25 not under any circumstance be less than the 1.5 percent of base
26 salary that is provided for in subsection b. of section 6 of P.L.1979,
27 c.391 (C.18A:16-17). An employee who pays the contribution
28 required under this subsection shall not also be required to pay the
29 contribution of 1.5 percent of base salary under subsection b. of
30 section 6 of P.L.1979, c.391 (C.18A:16-17).
31 This section shall apply to employees for whom the employer
32 has assumed a health care benefits payment obligation pursuant to
33 section 6 of P.L.1979, c.391 (C.18A:16-17), to require that such
34 employees pay at a minimum the amount of contribution specified
35 in this section for health care benefits coverage.
36 b. A board of education may enter into a contract or contracts
37 to provide health care benefits including prescription drug benefits
38 and other health care benefits, as may be required to implement a
39 duly executed collective negotiations agreement, and may provide
40 through such agreement for an amount of employee contribution as
41 a cost share or premium share that is other than the percentage
42 required under subsection a. of this section, if the total aggregate
43 savings during the term of the agreement from employee
44 contributions or plan design, or both, from that agreement as
45 applied to employees covered by that agreement, and to employees
46 not covered by that agreement but to whom the agreement has been
47 applied by the employer, if any, equals or exceeds the annual
48 savings that would have resulted had those employees made the

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