I was shocked, and I noticed that even TV news anchors were shocked. Several that I both heard and observed were almost in tears last night as a jury of 6 white women acquitted George Zimmerman of murder. It was a travesty. The lies told by Zimmerman were clearly lies. Trayvon wasn't here to tell his side of the story. The prosecutors obviously fell short. The laws in Florida allow murder of teenagers armed with skittles and a can of iced tea. Why not take guns off the street? Make them illegal to own. If people want to shoot or hunt, they can pick up the guns at the hunting area the way bowlers pick up bowling shoes at the bowling alley. (a practice which I find appalling). When people go to certain venues to play a sport or exercise they use the equipment that is provided by the organization that is offering classes or use of their facility for that particular activity. Guns can be provided at venues for practice or hunting (something else I disagree with, but I digress). It will create more jobs and enable frightened politicians to pass laws that will take guns off the street.
Back to the topic at hand. As a teacher and as a mother I just can't believe that people would listen to a man say things like Trayvon sat up and said, "You got me" after being shot at point blank range and lay there dying. That is what happens in cartoons, not in real life. Why would he further torture the dying teen by sitting on him and holding his arms down. Why did Zimmerman follow him in the first place? The fact that he followed Trayvon AFTER the 911 operator told him not to was a sign of intent to do harm. The fact that he had a gun as he followed the teen was a sign of intent to do harm not a sign of fear. Why didn't he go home after he had called the police? Did he think that the police were incompetent? Did he lack faith in their ability to do their job correctly or at all? If the child had been a girl would she still be dead? We cannot allow our country to go in the direction that it is headed. How long will we hire politicians and allow them to pass laws that kill our children or not act at all while things in our country get worse? I for one, will not go to Florida until the "Stand your ground law and laws like it are removed. There has to be another way to prevent crime. Parents must parent. Schools must teach acceptable social behavior, the law must do its job without prejudice. I say BOYCOTT FLORIDA UNTIL 'STAND ALONE IS GONE'. JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON. JUSTICE FOR ALL OUR CHILDREN.
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