Saturday, October 24, 2015

It's enough

Our schools are the institutions where our children go everyday for 10 months out of the year.  They are the places where children learn to socialize.  They learn to work in groups in class and during  physical activities in gym class.  They learn to work together as a team in group projects or as athletes.  They learn to be supportive of each other and to appreciate and accept each others differences.  That's so much better than learning to 'tolerate' each other.  They also learn many things through academics.  Math not only teaches students how to understand numbers, it teaches logical thinking and problem solving.  Social Studies teaches not only the history of our country and of our world, but how civilizations grow and the kind of thinking that started wars.  This knowledge could be used to prevent a repeat of the worse part of our history.  Reading opens a world of knowledge and sets a person free from limitations.   I don't have to go on, because you get what I'm saying.  Schools do more than show people how to add, subtract, multiply and divide, or how to read a book, or write a letter.  Schools help to teach our children how to be productive, participating, successful citizens in our society.  That can't be measured in a state test.  Children process information differently and they don't all display their knowledge in the same way.  Let's go back to building the best American Citizens that we can build and let's help them to have fun while they're learning.  It's enough already with all this testing.  It's enough.

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