Saturday, October 24, 2015

What is going on?

Last year was a doosey!

Okay, maybe doosey isn't a word, but that fits my sentiment and the feelings of many teachers at Belleville Middle School in NJ.  You would never think that something so bazaar would happen in schools, but as we learn more and more, we discover that all of the people who are pretending to care about the children really don't care at all.  They are all trying to start charter schools so that they can accumulate wealth using state and federal money that is usually given to schools for salaries, upkeep, supplies, heat, light, water, etc.  Our local union president discovered a plot in our district being perpetrated reportedly by some people we all know.  It was shocking and hard to believe!  A couple of years ago, we suddenly were to receive "security" in our school.  Well, ok, we thought, we know that schools have become targeted of late, and maybe it was prudent.  That was until we discovered the details involving our "security".  He revealed at a meeting that there had been only one bid for the installation of the cameras.  The company was paid $2million (which by the way, we are short for our schools this year).  
     Well, there were cameras in every classroom.  Who was watching them?  What were they looking at?  It was weird that there were no cameras in the stairwell where most fights start and where a few children do inappropriate things.  Why were there cameras outside restrooms and in the teacher's room?  We know that cameras don't stop crimes, they can sometimes get clear details on the criminal.
How much money is this going to cost for manning the cameras and for upkeep of the machinery?  It turns out that $20,000 per month was suggested and turned down - in public session.  In private session it was approved.  What in the world is happening?
     Go to Nutley and read the details.  It's so bazaar that it's unbelievable!

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